
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Week 69

Soooo..... i decided i had better buy a new pair of shoes cause i needed them, but i didnt want like crappy mexican shoes, and if you bought me a nice pair of shoes they´d probably cost like 120, or more like the ones we bought nad then to ship them to me would cost another 40 and then id have to wait for forever to get them, so i went to like a super nice mall and found a johnson and murphy shoes store, they sell like hardy shoes for missionaries, like a lot of missionaries use that brand and i bought me a pair, they cost 2000 pesos, like 130 and they are nice shoes that´ll definitely last till the end of my mission, and beyond.  did i mention they were brown.....

What else....... well last Sunday, we had the potential of like 11 inv to go to church, so we were all excited, ya one came to church........... ugh why????? out family of five had to go work saturday night and the boss didnt let them leave till 6 am. ya so they couldnt wake up. and one i still dont know why he didnt come, 2 cause the uncle had to work, cause he´s unemployed so his brother lets him use his taxi on sunday cause the police like traffic police dont work..... so even though its illegal for his to drive his brothers taxi, its not illegal on sunday....... ya........ so he didnt come nor did his nephew.

anyways we had another great lesson with the family of 5, the dad the last time we taught told us that he works so much and stuff cause he has terrible nightmares and he can hardly sleep, so its not until like exhaustion when he can sleep, so we gave him a blessing and he said he didnt have a single nightmare all week long but then the didnt come to churhc.

then this week, well we worked on monday afternoon, like a normal day, but we had a family we contacted cancel on us and a lady that we found contacting wasnt home, she had left her 2 year old home alone.......
tuesday we went to migration and had to stay all day long, and so we ate panda express, pretty yummy bejing beef. then came back and we were planning on having two lessons in the afternoon and we got ot the area late with a bunch of problemias and today is p day and in the morning we had to help an hermano fix his roof, so i took a hammer to like the cement that had cemented the ceiling onto the back wall.... ya my hands are like pretty destroyed. i just put lotion on and holy cow did they sting i think my comp got a pic of us working so ill see if i can get those from him.

so the lady we contacted that i mentioned in the paragraph above, me and norr we like done the appt. had fallen through and it was late and about to rain and it takes like 30 ish minutes to get back to our area, but we decided to knock a few doors, and we were walking and i felt like we should go up one street, adn then i contacted the first guy- house we saw he was like ya but later and then we keep walking and get shut down a couple times and tehn someone else tells us im busy right now but later, ya ya ya  so we were about to leave we kept walking and i felt like we should go back and knock the hosue that we had just passed, we go and then i woman sees us in the window opens the door and then goes back in, we wait she comes out with the keys unlocks the gate nad says come on in, we shrug and go in. then she goes on to tell us she had talked with missionaries in the street like a year before and they never came, but that she wanted us to teach her and her family. saweet.  but then when we went back to find her the 2 year old was home alone so im kinda upset with her.

Elder Blotter

ps. thats a super cool story from dads mission that ive never heard.......

pps. also did i mention we went ot a super nice mall....?