
Monday, April 14, 2014

Week 11 - General Conference Thoughts

So the baptism, ya he came to church the next day and got "Baptized with the Holy Ghost", haha I wrote baptized on accident so i just used it, and he came to conf this week, idk, he´s never recognized the spirit before so he doesn't know how to respond.
To answer your other question: no, splits aren't senior comps wanting to frito around, it's so that more work can get done. The tuesday split was so that work could happen in the areas while the dl interviewed an inv. and the other split in my area was because the elder is dead and doesn't work well, so they moved him around to like everyones area to help the work in his area - to revitalize the work, idk in dc 84 i found this scripture about missions that talks about those strong in testimony should be paired with the weak in testimony so to strengthen the other missionary.

General Conference 
We watched it in english in some different room on a little tv with a bad picture -  it was great.  I'm so glad it was in english.  I learned a lot about truth obedience love, more than living jesus speaks and idk those are all things that ive been studying lately, so maybe my thoughts about them came from study and not conf hahah. I've been really impressed recently with "the Jesus lives and speaks, more than only lives - way more."  He isn't passively alive doing nothing i think if people understood that it'd be different. I don't even remember if that was said but there was a whole talk on the resurrection and President Packer's talk he all but said I've seen jesus with my own eyes, its what the spirit was teaching, if not the apostles.  Umm... Obedience, I don't have my notes here with me either but there were some stellar thoughts. and I loved the truth you cant just set it aside, its truth and it has to be dealt with, as always there are things that I think of in conf that I need to change and be better on, and truth obedience and love were all on that list.

Things are going good here, I think I want to be in this area for a while with Elder Zubietta.  I really like my comp; he's a really hard worker. 
ya going to conf never was my favorite thing, but its better than going to the stake center to watch it on plastic chairs.  At least there are enough gringos here that we watched it in english, phew! I'm so glad that I could focus on what they were saying doctrinally and not have to worry about trying to understand spanish. 
This week the work, was just as good, but we had to go to migracion in polanco, which is like super rich city area.  You almost could forget you were in Mexico when you're there.  Seriously most of the people were essentially white & rich.  We saw a Ferrari - one of the elders we were with a latino could hardly believe his eyes.   
haha you wont believe this but I met an Elder Blotter this past week. haha he's from the East Mission and from the Logan area.  He knew Robbie Blotter.  The world is rather small.  After migracion we got back to our area late and had some food (comida) and only had like four lessons that day.  That kinda stunk.  Saturday was conf and we didn't have time to go back to our area and then return in between sessions, so no lessons on Saturday.  Sunday was almost the same, but we did have some lessons that day.   
So cool lessons this week: One of the members of our bishopric is the only member in his family, so we are trying to baptize the rest haha.  This is something I do find cool about Mexico - three generations live in the same house. Anyway, we taught his little brother and his girlfriend, hector y sandra, and they are progressing but need some work.  They're fun to teach because you cant just give the normal restoration or plan of salvation lessons - we have to teach to needs and questions and doubts they have, so it keeps you on your toes and we really have to focus on the simple parts of the gospel.  We also teach his wife, angelica.  She essentially has a testimony, she comes to church practically every week, and stuff like that, but the difference between a knowledge that its true and a spiritual knowledge that its true.  My comp decided we´d teach about "The Plan of Salvation" but specifically the Resurrection and Eternal Families.  It was an interesting choice, I thought, but I went with it.  We taught part of our little plan, and she brought up the doubt of are families eternal.  She actually doesn't really believe that they are.  At that point I took control of the lesson and steered the lesson to testimony and the simple part of gaining a testimony of the B.O.M, and that that solves all doubts and problems. idk it was a cool lesson and I actually felt like I taught with power, she´ll get baptized hopefully this month with her two daughters.
Today we had like a zone meeting activity, it was really fun.  We played soccer.  Apparently soccer balls here are really chincy or they just bought some crappy ones, because we popped two balls while playing.  I scored and had a pretty cool assist...  And yes we were playing against and with latinos. haha At the stake center there is like this little bobsled with wheels and a steering wheel the missionaries today had fun with that driving around in the parking lot, until the packed like 8 guys onto the thing that should hold 4 max and it flipped and our zone leader got some major road rash on his face.
We must have eaten something my body didn't like cause dang.  And the plumbing and bathrooms here are a little questionable anyways.  Sometimes with toilette paper the toilette just doesn't flush.  Sometimes it's the kind of flush that you pour a bucket of water into the bowl. ya it was an interesting week.  I'm not sure I'm over it either.  My stomach hurts every once in a while now.
Randomly...  my hands like swelled up yesterday, that was fun. haha they used to to that at home though it doesn't worry me, it's just weird.

Thoughts about General Conference: 
Lots talked about truth, obedience, and the whirlwind of satan, those are things that God wants us to think about. Also, I had a thought about when 70s quote other general authorities: I think "Don't you have your own experiences to share?", but I had the thought, call it an impression if you want, that they are saying exactly what God wants and maybe God wants us to here the quote from the general authority again.
I love you guys, the pics the little bobsled thingy and the baptism that we had at 9 am before the session of conf, only one baptism the older man baptized his son in law (as of one week)
Love you!
Elder Blotter

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