
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Week 65

So sounds like my week was less eventful than yours. i just have been working.
honestly dont got a lot to say. just that on fridayi stayed with elder goodman who got to the mission with me and went to lunch with the president, we were in trios at the time so we split up to do some last minute sutff. then saturday morning at like 630 ish we went to drop him off at the airport that was sad. saying goodbye.

sunday our like golden investigator didnt come to church and im still not one hundred percent sure why, just i minor hiccup but it bumps her baptism back which never is good.

we´ve been having a lot of days full of appts. and then we find no one home which is never fun.

on sunday evenings the assistents come to the offices to take the weekly reports from all of the zones and type it into our computers, and they stay the night from sunday to monday their p day. so sunday evening is always fun we normally eat food chat and hang out after everyones done wiht their work.

then this week there was an elder that had appendix surgery like on sunday or saturday or something and he has been staying with us in the offices all week and seeing how that we are a trio one of us has been staying with him all day. today was my turn for the couple hours that they went to work after p day.

i dont know ive been having a good time, being better every day i hope and trying to help my ward and do work in the area.

but pretty much always we are working in our area after 2 pm. whats annoying is that bus ride from the offices to our area. it sometimes takes for every for the bus to pass, then we get on lots of times theres room to sit, its worse when there isnt, and the bus is super hot and idk being in a bus makes me tired so if we can sit i normally knock out for the 15-20 minute ride. which is anything but a refreshing nap, i wake up sweaty hoping off the bus. hahaha

probably the coolest thing that happened this week was that my comp was like what are we doing, and he made me choose for reasons i wont cover, but i decided to go look for this member we found in the lists. she´s not home. then i thnk we should go visit the drunk dude that talked to us in the street and we put an appt. and he didnt show up so, we go to his house again not home and at that moment we turn around adn pause to think who we were going to visit next, and a nice mazda cx5 pulls up and a 30ish looking dude asks if we want a soda. we kind of pause like confused and say ´´what?´´ and he is like pop do you want some pop. and we were like ya sure, under our breaths we understood your spanish just not what you meant... so he parks his car in front of his house and grabs his keys to go in, and he cant find them so he grabs some money and then walks with us to the store, here in mexico at least one house in about every neighborhood turns the front part into a convinience store and sell soda chips cheese sliced meat, and random little things so we chat with him and put an appt. and he says he´s like very interested in learning cause he knows some about us he said but he´d never had the missionaries over. im excited to visit him.

thats about it.
love you guys

Elder Blotter

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