
Monday, January 12, 2015

Week 52 - Thankful for 3 things

So this week was super cool.  This week I'm grateful for three things:

Number one: I really enjoy having an english speaking comp. hahaha that's like one thing I'm truly grateful for.

Number two: it was my birthday; I am now twenty. Yippee! Hahaha weird though I felt like I was never nineteen. Haha birthday meant birthday cake, I apologize for not having photos, but my comp took them and forgot his memory card, and.... Honestly the internet is sketchy and the computer probably has viruses so I wouldn't have sent them even if I had the memory.

Number three: the work has like exploded in my area. hahaha finally my effort pays off too bad it took like almost 6 months to do it. like a couple weeks ago we found Alberto and pedro, family members to a super less active. super escogido peeps that we just put the baptismal date for the 7th of February. honestly like instead of like deadbeat inv. that you ask if they read and they say like "ya, didn't get around to it" Alberto and pedro we get there and they say "so i had a question, when Joseph smith restored the priesthood the original apostles came down to give it to him?" hahahaha.  It's striking the difference. so from like a couple weeks ago with like one or two investigator that didn't really progress, we have them. apart from them we have another person that's just waiting to get baptized. she is a 15 year old girl, her mom is a less active member that honestly wants nothing to do with the church, but Diana has like friends at school that had given her the Book of Mormon and she started reading it. her dad is like a super catholic, and her parents are split up, she lives with the dad but comes to her mom's house on the weekends so that she can go to church, when we like got to know her we presented ourselves who we are like a normal "hi I'm elder blotter I'm from the united states blah blah blah'' it was her turn to present herself and she said something like "I'm Diana blah blah blah I'm really interested in being a missionary when I'm older like you, and i want to be a virtuous woman''   ........ get baptized already please. hahaha and she has gone to the church for like a month and a half where her dad lives because he went on vacation in December and she had to stay at the dad's house to take care of grandma, but she went to church every Sunday.
     oh wait there's more, as well as Alberto pedro and Diana, we also have Emmanuel he is like the nephew or something of a member that lives in our area, that we'd visit the member and Emmanuel would ask about us after we left, till Raul says like hey i'll present them to you, Emmanuel is a good kid of 17 years with a baby, so he really likes the idea of the family and like getting organized and setting his life straight because he wants to be like  a good dad and husband, the only disappointing thing in that was that Raul a member who was like bishop, high councilor more than once, is less active and so Raul didn't come to church and so Emmanuel didn't come either.
      Don't leave still more new people, the elders crossing the major like highway from me that are in a different stake/zone had been teaching a family of 4 that lives in my area so they passed them over too, I've only talked to them on the phone though, we have an appt. Saturday they went to the church 3 times already, and the elder who gave the reference to me said they are super cool, so I'm excited for them too.
     also we were walking on the street and some guy was like hey elders, and i looked at him then at my comp and said "do we stop, I'm not really in the mood to get robbed'' we stopped and it turns out he was a member, oops, haha and that his "wife" isn't but that they were listening the missionaries before. i think i have a big lesson to learn with them, to like not judge or to like work super hard cause they are going to be difficult. they're both 16 and they have a 2 month old baby. they didn't even finish junior high, and he`s looking for a job. but still they showed up out of nowhere so that we could help them, i just hope they do their part.

So like from the week before we had two at church I'm waiting/praying for 10 in church this Sunday.

Did I tell you that I bought a super cool searsucker tie? Hahahaha. We'll call it a Christmas present from me to me. Hahahaha.

Ooh also I don't know if I explained the bishop — ward council here in guelatao, like super dead. Hahahah no one did anything and they were all okay with it. Finally. I don't know why, but the bishop like brought everyone into ward council that like honestly he`s never held before, and like started saying new year let's get to work. FINALLY!!!!!!!

Hahaha idk I think that's about it. I also have to like give the first district meeting since I've been DL because practically every Monday we were having zone meeting. I hope that goes well.

Was this email to serious? Hahaha I don't know if I told this story, hahahahaha I think it's really funny.  So we are waiting for a bus at like the spot the bus comes to go back to my area from the stake center. It's like kind of not that frequented of a bus route so we sometimes stand there on the corner for like 15-30 minutes that leaves some time for funny things to happen.  So as a person i pretty much like make eye contact with everyone, in the halls in high school instead of being like focused on walking to class i look people in the eyes, here in Mexico i might have taken it to the next level, but we are standing on the street corner and like a group of four people are walking by in the street and i make eye contact with some dude and then he gets a crazy look in his eyes and then like stops walking and comes over to me. then the eye contact changes from just looking someone in the eyes to like a like a dog trying to sense fear or like get me to back down.... which was interesting cause i didn't say or do ANYTHING, hahaha and the dude was like crazy looking so i couldn't just look away, and he walked over to us and got into my face like super close, and he was like ya I'm right here what do you want, I'm right here ya like wanna go? haha he was about to like take his backpack off so he could like fight me, haha i was like hey like i don't know what i did but I'm sorry like bye.... haha after like this really tense moment of this i like turn and walk away and he like politely says goodbye to my comp, who looks like Mexican.

super funny but i guess it's that kind of story that makes more sense telling in person. hahahahaha

Love you guys.
elder blotter

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