
Monday, June 9, 2014

Week 20 - World Cup? What is that?

Soooo this week:

I don't have too much to tell about this week honestly…

Who knows about the World Cup; I honestly have no idea. We normally don't have problems with people not answering doors cause of fútbol but I don't know; the World Cup is a whole different level.

Haha and yeah the second week was good, a little difficult this week we are having a hard time finding new people to teach, and no one came to church which sucked cause that means a baptism fell through. In my email from president this week was like help your companion out, hahaha if I was down to be disobedient he’d be such a dead missionary. The good thing is that I don't really let their be time to mess around, and we walk all over the area and I exhaust him everyday.

We had a hard couple of days this weekend, of days completely full of appointments and nobody was home, and when I mean nobody I mean nobody.... We only taught 46 lessons but thats still about the goal of 45. So friday, we had a couple of appointments about halfway up the hill pretty far away, so we went taught some people found a new inv. all was going good then we went to the comida, and she wasn't there.... we waited for like ten minutes and she showed up, angry she started to chew us out cause she said she made food for us on tuesday. yeah she messed us she was responsible for friday so she gave us some money to go and buy food, thats fine and all but it was raining and we were up the hill where we had appts. after the food, so we went down the hill ate, climbed back up the hill and then the next appt. was like at the bottom other side of the area, so we practically ran their, yeah she wasn't home, and the next appt. was back to where we were but even higher. haha so we climb all the way up to the very top of the hill to get a reference and talk with a member of the bishopric yeah he wasn't home, and there are like only 4 families that high on the hill, and only one was home, oh yeah i forgot to mention that during lunch i had dried and it had stopped raining, then as we climbed the hill it started raining only even harder. anyway so the one family that was home we taught a lesson on sacrifice, like what are we sacrificing for the faith and is it enough, at the end of the lesson that is meant to like point out all there is that the members need to work on, they justified it all. and aren't going to change anything, how great.

We baptized three people — the daughters of the baptism we had last Sunday. It was pretty cool, but practically no one in the ward showed up. The only people that came to the baptism were in the church because it was our turn to clean the building.

And then on sunday morning we went by like three inv. to bring them to church and they weren't there so we went to church a lone without any inv.

It's all good. I'm working hard, having fun, and eating lots of food.

Oh yeah we only had 2-3 lessons with a member present this week, so I'm going to get planched in the email from president. To planche is to iron like iron a shirt, so when you get ironed by a leader about something you messed up on. It’s mission lingo for getting chewed out. I just hope he planches with love.

Sorry it wasn't more eventful this week.

Oh, I forgot that we went to the temple because my comp had a doctors appt. for his knees (this area is killing him). It’s just that he is lacking in leg muscle. Anyway, we ran into a zone leader meeting for the East Mission, and the president is from my comps ward, anyway we went in and the president put his arm around me and said for the whole room: “Elder Blotter I found your brother”. Hahahaha it was the same Elder Blotter that I met at the consulate, what a small world. We talked a tiny bit about Robby's wedding.

Love You!

Elder Blotter

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