
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Week 30 - Change is coming

So the news: I’m leaving the area and the zone; zones are stakes here so I’m leaving my stake. The change is tomorrow at 12:00 pm.


We had ward conference yesterday, and in Mexico that means activities every night during the week with a party and larger activity Saturday evening. We went to one of the activities during the week but I cant remember what it was. Haha, it was relatively at the same time as the ward mission leader correlation meeting. Anyway, one of the elders had a baptism at 5pm Saturday, the same time as the activity to have members be there. We invited three investigators to go to the baptism and stay for the activity and the food after. It was a cool baptism. There was a psychologist that talked about families and kids and parents and then tacos after. The three investigators that we invited came, it’s one family. They came, stayed the whole time, and enjoyed themselves and then came to church the next day and told me they really like the activity and the stuff super cool.

Also beginning this week we only had 3 inv. We now have 5 with the possibility of 4 references; super cool.


We went like 5 or 6 weeks without a new inv. and in Mexico thats terrible. Then, on a Tuesday, we found a lady and her two daughters that accepted us and was progressing. We put a return visit to go to the church on a Saturday and explained the church and committed them to baptism with a date. Then on Thursday, during weekly planning, they called us and said they couldn’t continue in the gospel because they were moving. I wanted to cry. Haha, we said a prayer and thanked God for our trials, and then in 20 minutes we received another phone call from someone who we had taught 4 weeks prior, who like understood the restoration and accepted it 100 percent but she had some problem with her knee and we lost contact with her. She called and said why didn’t you come visit me on Saturday we replied “We didn’t have an appt on Saturday.” Haha, so we made an appt with her to go re-teach, if needed, the restoration and teach the BoM. We got there and a Book of Mormon was on her table she had already started to read it she was like halfway through 1st Nephi. It was super cool. Haha, oh and like the last of the like 17 miracles in this story was that we showed up for our appt. and the Jehovah’s witnesses had just knocked on her door. We walked up behind the JW’s and she said oh the only reason why I was down here to was to answer the door for these young men come on in-to us not the JW’s hahahahaha.

We also got a ref. this week of someone who I’m pretty sure is ready to change and accept the gospel pretty darn cool.

Thats cool about Sam!

Idk how I feel about leaving my area. I’m like super excited and at the same time like super anxious about leaving. I’m going to miss a lot of families. The family Sanchez’s 2 returned missionaries, who were powerful missionaries, one of them we reactivated them, we go visit them on Sundays and have really good discussions about deep doctrine or he like plays devils advocate and talks about the “mujerdocio” — sacerdocio (priesthood) for women — and then combat with the scriptures and doctrine and stuff hahaha. Honestly, I’m going to miss them and a bunch of other people too. I’m mainly I’m just nervous of new things. It’ll be good I’m ready to leave.

This past week I had decided to stop looking for numbers. I’m not on my mission to teach 8–10 lessons a day; I’m here to help others come unto Christ, and be converted. I didn’t do any of the dumb stuff we do here to get numbers really quick. I didn’t teach 8 lessons one day this week, but I had 42 lessons which is better than practically any of the other weeks this cycle. Idk, I thought this was a really good week.

Thats pretty much all that happened this week.

Love you!
Elder Blotter

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